
STEAM Dojo was established in February 2019 and received 501(c)(3) Nonproift Public Benefit Corporation status in September. 

STEAM Dojo Team believes that curiosity and self-esteem are key ingredients to encourage a new generation to explore challenging new fields, and solid academic skills are crucial to increase the odds of success.  So we focus on helping grades K-8 students in the following three areas;

  1.  Building solid academic skills
  2.  Nurture curiosity
  3.  Establish self-esteem

by providing them with the best STEAM enrichment programs and camps starting from Northern California, the heart of Silicon Valley.

We emphasize building solid Math skills that are the foundation of Science, Technologies, Engineering, and the Arts and early exposure to a wide range of new technologies such as programming, AI, and robotics to stimulate their curiosity. 

STEAM Dojo is a California 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.